Seattle Public Schools


The district is committed to a safe, civil, and equitable environment that is free from harassment, intimidation, or bullying of any student. The following beliefs support this policy:

  • A belief 建立在“接纳”和“尊重”原则上的积极的学校氛围有利于学习,从而使学生在认知和情感上都做到最好.
  • A belief 该地区有机会通过政策和程序的实施创造安全和积极的教育环境.
  • A belief that students, staff, parents, and the community have a vested interest in, and should work together to promote, healthy social emotional well-being, and learning outcomes.

This policy prohibits harassment, intimidation, 而霸凌学生也适用于当被骚扰的对象, intimidation, 或者欺凌是一个在这个地区注册的学生而攻击者也是一个在这个地区注册的学生. 本政策及附带程序不适用于骚扰, intimidation, or bullying of or by an employee, volunteer, parent/legal guardian, or community member.

As defined in Chapter 28A.600 RCW,“骚扰,恐吓或欺凌”是指任何故意电子,书面, verbal, or physical act including, but are not limited to, one shown to be motivated by any characteristic in RCW 28A.640.010 and RCW 28A.642.010,或其他显著特征,当故意行为:

  • Physically harms a student or damages the student’s  property; or
  • Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student’s education; or
  • Is so severe, persistent or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment; or
  • 是否会严重扰乱学校的正常运作.

本节没有要求受影响的学生实际上具有作为骚扰基础的特征, intimidation, or bullying.

“Other distinguishing characteristics” may include, but are not limited to, physical appearance, clothing or other apparel, socioeconomic status,or weight.



This policy recognizes that “harassment,” “intimidation,和“欺凌”是不同的,但对学生的相关行为. Each must be addressed appropriately. The accompanying procedure differentiates the three behaviors; however, 这种区别不应被视为这些行为的法律定义的一部分.

Harassment, intimidation, or bullying may take many forms including, but not limited to, slurs, rumors, jokes, innuendoes, demeaning comments, drawings, cartoons, pranks, gestures, physical attacks, threats, or other written, oral, 发给学生的物理的或电子的信息或图像.

这项政策并不是要禁止表达宗教信仰, philosophical, or political views, 但该表述不得实质上破坏教育环境. 许多没有上升到骚扰水平的行为, intimidation, 或者欺凌行为可能仍然被其他地区政策或建筑所禁止, classroom, or program rules.


这项政策是地区责任的一个组成部分,以创造和维持一个安全, civil, respectful, 学生和包容性学习社区的实施应与员工和志愿者的全面培训相结合. 具体的培训要求将包括在随附的警司程序中.


该学区将为学生提供旨在防止骚扰的策略, intimidation, and bullying toward students. In its efforts to train students, the district will seek partnerships with families, law enforcement, and other community agencies.

Supports and Interventions

支持和干预措施的目的是纠正对目标学生和其他受违规影响的人的影响, 改变侵犯者的行为,恢复积极的校园氛围.

The district shall consider the frequency of incidents, developmental age of the student, 以及行为的严重程度来决定干预策略. Interventions may include, but are not limited to, counseling, correcting behavior and discipline, restorative practices when voluntary and appropriate, law enforcement referrals, and other remedies or responses as appropriate.

  • 有个人教育计划或504条款计划的学生
    如果指控证明有个人教育计划(IEP)或504计划的学生是侵犯者或骚扰的目标, intimidation, or bullying, 学校将召集学生的IEP或Section 504小组来确定该事件是否对学生接受免费适当公共教育(FAPE)的能力产生了影响。. 不管是否有骚扰,会议都应该举行, intimidation, 或者欺凌事件是基于学生的残疾. During the meeting, 该小组将评估学生的学习成绩等问题, behavioral issues, attendance, and participation in extracurricular activities. 如果确定该学生没有因骚扰而收到FAPE, intimidation, or bullying incident, 如有需要,地区会提供额外的服务及支援, such as counseling, monitoring, 和/或重新评估或修订学生的IEP或Section 504计划, to ensure the student receives a FAPE.

Retaliation/False Allegations

报复是被禁止的,并将导致适当的纪律处分. 威胁或伤害举报骚扰的学生是违反这一政策的, intimidation, or bullying, being identified as a targeted student, or participating in an investigation.

这也是违反地区政策,故意报告虚假指控的骚扰, intimidation, and bullying. 故意报告或证实虚假指控的学生或员工将受到适当的纪律处分. 然而,学生或员工不会因为真诚地报告而受到纪律处分.

Compliance Officer

总监应任命一名合规官作为主要地区联系人,接收所有正式和非正式投诉的副本,并监督政策的实施. 合规官的姓名和联系信息将在整个地区进行沟通. 地区合规官员将至少参加一次由OSPI提供的强制性培训机会.
